Support groups, local organizing, online communities, and healthcare providers
Note: Resources listed here are for your information and are not necessarily endorsed by Long COVID Justice. Please send additional suggestions to
Volunteer with Long COVID Justice!
New! Volunteer Interest Form– Let us know about your interests and learn more about ways to get involved.
Find a group by location
COVID Action Map: Searchable international map for finding advocacy groups near you.
Worldwide Mask Bloc Directory: List of active Mask Blocs around the world. Blocs provide masks, COVID-19 tests and other equipment to their communities for free. Don’t see one near you? Here are some tips on how to start one.
COVID Advocacy Groups Directory in US and Canada: Spreadsheet with groups sorted into various tabs. Hosted by COVID Advocacy Initiative and COVID Safe Campus.
Online groups & discussion boards
Facebook and Reddit have many groups related to COVID, Long COVID and associated conditions. Search for keywords like covid, longhauler, masks, CR boxes, etc. Includes online, hybrid, identity, and location based groups.
Discord has many groups including:
- COVID Solidarity: A social, still-coviding discord.
- COVID Study Library: Focused on gathering information about COVID (not a social space).
- Digital Disableds: Specifically for those who identify as disabled and are shielding/self-isolating due to COVID etc.
- Pandemic! At the Discord! Mostly disabled individuals, many still still self-isolating, and generally dedicated to covid-aware behavior and mutual support.
Support & affinity groups
Support Groups page– List of various support and affinity groups.
Black Long COVID Experience, a trusted space offering Long Covid information, resources, and support for you and your loved ones. We are also a compassionate consulting business dedicated to educating the public on the implications of Black Americans with Long Covid and empowering Black communities to advocate for consistent health outcomes.
Community Care Clinics for Disabled and Chronically Ill Movement Folks, an ongoing community care peer support space aimed at expanding possibilities around how we live and work as disabled and chronically ill people. Hosted by PeoplesHub.
Co-Resting, online co-resting community groups for people with energy-limiting chronic illness.
Find a provider
- Tips: finding and talking to providers, tracking symptoms, meds & more – our Long COVID Essentials series
- Providers with experience treating Long COVID & associated conditions:
- Post-COVID Clinics & Care Centers: List of clinics in the US, hosted by Long COVID Alliance.
- COVID-Competent Providers Directory, hosted by Long COVID Alliance.
- Global Directory of ME-informed Providers: Crowd-sourced resource that includes ME specialists, practitioner allies, and ME-friendly practitioners.
- Global Directory of Providers Experienced with Autonomia Disorders: List and interactive map by Dysautonomia International.
- COVID-Conscious Therapists:
- COVID-Conscious Therapist Directory: Find or recommend therapists. Mostly U.S. and Canada.
- COVID-Safer providers:
- COVID-Safe Providers and Services: Directory of providers in U.S. and Canada.
- COVID-Safe Provider Database: International directory hosted by World Health Network.
Related resources & learning
“How Disabled Mutual Aid Is Different Than Abled Mutual Aid” by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Resource page: