🔗 short link to this page: tiny.cc/resistmaskbans
Together we can stop mask bans! We demand the right to protect ourselves & our communities from sickness and surveillance.
Mask ban proposals are being considered in New York, among an increasing list of other cities and states. Speak up today – even if you don’t live in a place considering a ban, we can’t let this dangerous idea become an example for other cities and states.
Resources and action steps are below. This page is a work in progress – feel free to send suggestions to [email protected].
Note: Resources on this page are shared for reference. This does not imply endorsement by Long COVID Justice.
Analysis, open letters, zines
Some resources are location-specific but could be adapted to your location!
- ACT UP NY’s social media posts
- COVID Advocacy NY’s action toolkit
- Joint statement – Mask Bloc NYC & Artists in Resistance (A.I.R.) NYC
- Action Toolkit & Letter Campaign (write your reps!) – Mask Together America
- Jews for Mask Rights – Sign-on Letter, Statements and more
- Jews For Racial & Economic Justice (JFREJ) Condemns Proposed Mask Ban
- No Mask Bans – Peoples CDC
- The Criminalization of Masking – NashMask4Mask & NourNashville
- Mask Up! We Need You – Palestinian Solidarity, COVID-19 and the Struggle for Liberation from Sheyam Ghieth and Rimona Eskayo
Tips for making calls & planning actions
- Tips on calling your reps from Autistic Self Advocacy Network
- Direct action toolkit with accessibility notes
- Masks work!
- Mask resource page – Peoples CDC
- Articles on mask effectiveness (under “Masks Work!” on the linked page)
- NEW! Avoiding ableist language as we fight mask bans
News coverage
- Mask Bans Insult Disabled People, Endanger Our Health, and Threaten Our Ability to Protest – Alice Wong, TeenVogue
- Masks Are a Symbol of Solidarity. Don’t Let Democrats Take Them Away – Beatrice Adler-Bolton & Artie Vierkant in The Nation
- Mask bans make NY less safe – Jessica Lynn, New Amsterdam News
- States Dust Off Obscure Anti-Mask Laws to Target Pro-Palestine Protesters – ACLU
- Masks are going from mandated to criminalized in some states – Fenit Nirappil, Washington Post
- Mask Bans Grow, Threatening Public Health And Immunocompromised People – Judy Stone, Forbes
- Los Angeles’s Mayor Was Contemplating a Mask Ban. She Just Got Covid. – Edith Olmsted, The New Republic
- Mask bans are growing in popularity. Critics call the trend a ‘dog whistle’ to quell protest. – Marquise Francis, NBC
- Despite Covid surge, Los Angeles mayor considers mask ban at protests – Lois Beckett, The Guardian
- From Mask Mandates To Bans: Some Jurisdictions In U.S. Are Doing A 180 – Joshua Cohen, Forbes
- Mask Bans Are Everyone’s Fight – Death Panel podcast
Studies showing sunglasses have equal or greater effect on facial recognition than masks
- Face masks are less effective than sunglasses in masking face identity.
- Face masks versus sunglasses: limited effects of time and individual differences in the ability to judge facial identity and social traits
- The effect of face masks and sunglasses on identity and expression recognition with super-recognizers and typical observers
Groups organizing against mask bans
National & International:
- StopMaskBans.com– Collaborative campaign with tools for emailing or calling your reps, anywhere in the U.S.
- Clean Air Club
- COVID Conscious Coalition
- Long COVID Justice (that’s us!)
- Lucky Tran
- Mask Together America
- World Health Network
Every Friday at 3pm ET, join World Health Network for community action: Call, email, or post on socials to fight mask bans.
U.S. states and cities:
- Los Angeles: bit.ly/StopMaskBansInLA
- Care Not Covid Chicagoland Area: Instagram post, linktree. Includes scripts and contact info for reps.
New York:
• For everyone, NY & beyond: Contact NY elected officials and tourism officesby phone, email, or mail: covidadvocacyny.org/stopmaskbanny
• NYers only: Contact NY elected officials by text: Text SIGNPLNHSQ to 50409
• Use #NoNYMaskBan to share why you still wear a mask, share masked photos
• Learn more and connect with local organizing:
North Carolina:
- COVID Action GSO- Twitter, Instagram, Threads
- Triangle Mask Bloc
- Clean Air Club post on NC’s House Bill 27 and the criminalization of protests
Find or create a group!
Images from our social posts on mask bans
Feel free to repost any of these and tag/credit @LongCOVIDJustice. Click on any image to expand it (or view the posts on our Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter/X.)