Resist mask bans


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Together we can stop mask bans! We demand the right to protect ourselves & our communities from sickness and surveillance.

Mask ban proposals are being considered in New York, among an increasing list of other cities and states. Speak up today – even if you don’t live in a place considering a ban, we can’t let this dangerous idea become an example for other cities and states.

Resources and action steps are below. This page is a work in progress – feel free to send suggestions to [email protected].

Note: Resources on this page are shared for reference. This does not imply endorsement by Long COVID Justice.

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    Analysis, open letters, zines

    Some resources are location-specific but could be adapted to your location!

    Tips for making calls & planning actions

    News coverage


    Groups organizing against mask bans

    National & International:

    Every Friday at 3pm ET, join World Health Network for community action: Call, email, or post on socials to fight mask bans.

    U.S. states and cities:



    New York:

    • For everyone, NY & beyond: Contact NY elected officials and tourism officesby phone, email, or mail:

    • NYers only: Contact NY elected officials by text: Text SIGNPLNHSQ to 50409

    • Use #NoNYMaskBan to share why you still wear a mask, share masked photos

    • Learn more and connect with local organizing:

    North Carolina:



    Find or create a group!

    Images from our social posts on mask bans

    Feel free to repost any of these and tag/credit @LongCOVIDJustice. Click on any image to expand it (or view the posts on our Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter/X.)