Action Alerts

We have far to go, but are grateful we can work together on the path to Long COVID justice. Add your name to the petitions and open letters below, and share them widely – every voice counts!

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Current alerts

Together we can stop mask bans! We demand the right to protect ourselves & our communities from sickness and surveillance. Take action today, and learn more on our resource page.

The Home Test2Treat program was designed to reduce disparities for the most at-risk populations, by offering free tests, telehealth and treatment for both COVlD and flu. This supports our communities in managing current sickness while helping reduce the chance of Long COVID and Long Flu. Contact the CDC and your reps to advocate for this critical layer of protection!

New CDC COVID-19 isolation guidance weakens labor protections, discriminates against high-risk people, and does not match the science. We’re co-sponsoring Pan End It’s letter to the CDC – join us by adding your name today.

Past alerts
The Washington Post logo is shown on the outside of their office building. Overlaid red text reads "Tell WashPo to Stop Minimizing Long COVID"

We were outraged and disturbed along with many in our community when the Washington Post released an article about Long COVID that minimized both its scale and impact (3/19/23). In response, we have written an open letter to the Washington Post and its research partners urging them to take certain steps to rectify the issues with this article.  Add your name now!

A photo of Ashish Jha smiling with arms folded is against a black background. Ilustrations of red viruses float nearby, and there's a red bar with white letters reading TELL THE TRUTH.

White House COVID response coordinator Ashish Jha gave an interview which both misinformed and gaslit those trying to avoid or living with Long COVID. As the Biden administration moves to end the COVID-19 public health emergency, and also allow millions to potentially lose health care, many of us are losing our safeguards and access to the care we need. That’s why we’re calling on our community to join us in demanding #JhaTelltheTruth, and sign on to our open letter.

Black background has white Long COVID Justice logo in upper left corner. White text reads "NIH: HALT PLANNED LONG COVID TRIALS ON DEBUNKED / DANGEROUS STRATEGIES!" Illustration of magnifying glass hovering over a graph is in the lower right corner.

The US National Institutes of Health’s massive RECOVER Initiative is planning to study debunked, harmful methods in people with Long COVID. We need NIH to end this now, and to ensure strategic, promising research on much-needed therapeutics are fast-tracked.

Sign our petition to demand that the NIH block plans for Long COVID research studies on debunked, harmful methods and step in to ensure a strategic, well-funded effort to find real answers. Plus, see the NIH’s reply to our letter and the steps we urge you to take in response!

Yellow background with illustration of person wearing a face mask and floating virus particles. Text in black and white reads: Tell Congress & President Biden: #FUND PANDEMIC PLANS

Tell Congress: #FundPandemicPlans! We now find ourselves caught in the crosshairs of colliding global and domestic pandemics. We know that pandemics are a force of injustice, with harms often most acute for Black, brown and indigenous people, disabled and chronically-ill people, LGBTQ people, immigrants, frontline workers and incarcerated people. Sign on to our letter demanding Congress & President Biden take specific actions now!